Tips for healthy and radiant hair on Mallorca, Mediterranean Look.
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Tips for healthy and radiant hair on Mallorca

"alt"tips para un cabello saludable y radiante en mallorca primavera"

Tips for healthy and radiant hair on Mallorca.

Hello everyone from Mediterranean Look, what a joy to be in April. It is a month that we love to welcome after this winter that has been quite strange. With hot days and very cold and windy days that made us feel like we were in Germany. Fortunately we are almost visiting the beach again and the sun is getting warmer every day. The days are getting longer and we are looking for those after-dinner drinks with friends on the terraces. Later we will complain about the heat for sure, but we love this sun.

However, we have to be careful and protect our hair in a special way. That’s why we want to give you tips to have healthy and radiant hair in Mallorca and it is essential to follow a proper routine.

For this hair care you have to adopt positive habits that benefit you. Here are some practical tips to keep your hair radiant and in optimal condition:

white printed paper with four white roses

Useful tips for your hair in Mallorca

1-Balanced diet: It is essential, what you eat is then reflected in your body. You should eat a diet rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins. Include foods such as fish, avocado, nuts, green leafy vegetables and legumes to strengthen your hair from within.

2-Hydration : Water is key to keep your hair hydrated from the inside, drink plenty of water. Hydration is essential for healthy skin and hair, so make sure you maintain a good level of hydration throughout the day. Even more so now that the heat is on. Here’s a great tip for healthy, radiant hair in Mallorca.

woman morning bathrobe bathroom

3-Washing your hair properly: It is important to choose a shampoo and conditioner that suits your hair type. Of course we recommend our Netissim Solid Shampoo and Netissim Solid Conditioner. Carlos Martin can advise you on how to use them but it’s very easy. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and not too hot, as hot water can dry out the scalp and damage the hair follicles. It is advisable to always wash twice and the frequency of washing will depend on your hair type. But in general, washing it twice a week is enough to keep it clean without removing its natural oils.

4- Masks: Mask is a key tip for healthy and radiant hair in Mallorca. Using hair masks once a week will help to deeply nourish the hair and add shine. Soon to be a new product at Mediterranean Look that you are going to love.

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Healthy and shiny hair mallorca

5-Avoid excessive heat: We always say this, but even if it’s hard not to use a flat iron every day, it’s essential to avoid it. Excessive use of hairdryers, straighteners and curling irons can damage the hair cuticle and cause dullness and weakness. Always use heat protectants such as our Hair Serum 1 and Super 7 Oil. Before applying direct heat and as much as possible let your hair air dry.

5-Regular cutting : To maintain healthy ends it is essential to cut your hair regularly. This will keep your hair looking shiny. Visit us at the salon and as Carlos sees fit every 6 to 8 weeks will remove split ends and that will also give you a healthy look.

Spring hair care Mallorca

6-Gentle brushing : Try to brush your hair gently and avoid brushing it when it is wet. Wet hair is very fragile and quite prone to breakage. Use a wide-bristled comb to gently detangle.

7-Avoid harsh chemicals: Try to reduce exposure to dyes, bleaches and harsh chemicals that can weaken and damage your hair. This is another tip for healthy and radiant hair in Mallorca. Opt for natural and organic products whenever possible. At the salon we have a wide variety of natural options without ammonia or chemicals.

8-Rest and stress reduction : Adequate rest and stress reduction are key to overall health, including hair health. Try to maintain a balance between work, rest and leisure. This April, try to spend more time with friends and fill up on natural vitamin D. Have a great time and tell us all about it when you stop by the salon to see us and restock your products.


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